We all know that chores are an essential part of life, but who would have thought they could be such a source of conflict? Whether you're living with your family or roommates, tensions can run high when it comes to dividing up the domestic tasks. But don't worry, we're here to help you identify the most contentious chores and offer some practical tips for making them more manageable.
We'll help you to understand why some chores are more contentious than others, which ones cause the most arguments in British households, and how you can address these issues in a light-hearted and friendly way.
Cleaning, tidying up and doing household work is something that everyone must do, but it's not always a task that people look forward to. In our latest survey, we found that 33% of respondents didn’t think that household chores were split evenly between people in their households, which can be a big cause of arguments in any household, whether you live with a partner, kids, or housemates!
Additionally, 16% of people said that they would leave their significant other if they did not do their fair share of chores around the home – another reason to iron out who does what when it comes to chores early on. Shockingly, 8% of people surveyed even admitted to purposefully not doing a chore properly just to avoid being asked to do it again! These statistics show just how much household chores can be a source of conflict in many relationships and households – but which chores are the real root of the problem?
Chores do not have to be a dreaded task in the household. Here are some ways to make them more enjoyable and get everyone involved:
Household chores are not always a fun task, and they can even cause arguments in many households. However, by implementing some of these tips, everyone can make chores more enjoyable and prevent them from being a source of conflict in your household - there's no need to let them detract from the joy of your home.
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Published: 01-03-2022